The CCCH was originally founded in January 1992 as the Canadian-Hungarian Business Club/Club D’Affaires Canado-Hongrois, dedicated to promoting closer ties between Canada and Hungary. The club decided to charter as the CCCH in the spring of 1993 with a mandate to provide a forum of knowledge and expertise, a business network, as well as a vehicle of social contact. Chamber members include multi-national corporations, the majority of which are headquartered in Canada or Hungary; entrepreneurs from a wide variety of areas such as banking, real estate, brokering, law, commerce, trade, education, hospitality/tourism, heavy industry, construction, agriculture, consulting, the arts; as well as many individual members in various professions. The CCCH hosts a variety of events every year, providing its members with an excellent opportunity to expand their business skills and contacts, and strengthen their company profiles within the Canadian and Hungarian business community.