Category: Films is a Hungarian-based online network for hosting professional short fiction films and user-uploaded videos. In collaboration with many film studios, festivals, schools and associations, Daazo presents several movies weekly from the past years’ best short films, setting up a growing online collection of short films which motivate users to upload more quality content to its database.

The Archive’s duties: collection, acquisition, preservation, restoration, screening and professional storage of the Hungarian features, documentaries, newsreels, animations, popular science films and classics of world cinema. The Archive has the most extensive film collection in Hungary, approximately 64,000 inventory items. Some prints are lent for training, clubs and festivals. Hungarian films are permanently restored. Library is the largest and the single one in Hungary specialized on film with over 20,000 books, 4,000 volumes of periodicals, 3,500 scripts and 30 current foreign technical journals. The poster department preserves 53,000 posters and 200,000 photographs. The art cinema, Örökmozgó has an unique and highly exciting programme with a widely appreciated venue for exhibitions, meetings and debates. The periodicals are Filmkultúra published since 1960 and now available online, Filmspirál, Muszter, MovEast (English). Moving Picture Gallery (MozgóKépTár) is an unique bilingual (English-Hungarian) multiplatform publication offering information from an integrated system of 11 databases on over 10,000 films.